Haidi Markof

Kya Kare Jab Maa Bane in Oriya (ମା’ହେଲେ କ’ଣ କରିବେ ? : କିପରି ହେବ ? ଏଥର କଣ ହେବ ? )
This book is a translation of 'what to expect when you are expecting' By Heidi murkoff. This book is read by 93% of women who are pregnant or are planning pregnancy. It was named one of the most influential books of the last 25 years. This edition is

Kya Kare Jab Maa Bane in Oriya (ମା’ହେଲେ କ’ଣ କରିବେ ? : କିପରି ହେବ ? ଏଥର କଣ ହେବ ? )
This book is a translation of 'what to expect when you are expecting' By Heidi murkoff. This book is read by 93% of women who are pregnant or are planning pregnancy. It was named one of the most influential books of the last 25 years. This edition is

କ Article ଣସି ପ୍ରବନ୍ଧ ମିଳିଲା ନାହିଁ